Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week 14 Reflection

Week 14 Reflection

I have been using Web 2.0 applications in my everyday life and as teaching tools for a long time but I am just recently finding out what exactly Web 2.0 is thanks to this class.  If I had to choose my favorite applications we have been introduced to, I would pick social bookmarking and screencasting as my top two. 
Social bookmarking sites like Delicious, make finding lessons and ideas much easier.  Having input from many others benefits all; I cannot tell you how much time I have spent on google trying to find the perfect interactive site or worksheet.  Now with the use of my Delicious account, I can save my precious time.  Web 2.0 applications like this “allow multiple ways to value and sort information” which is a time saver and great way to keep track of useful sites.   I also love the fact that I am able to visit these sites I have saved from any computer and not worry about whether or not I emailed the website to myself.  Students could use social bookmarking to work on projects with group mates at their house, school, or other group member’s house.  As a teacher I could preselect websites before working on a class project so students would not waste time looking for reliable sites.  The textbook states that Web 2.0 applications “offer new opportunities for learners to take more control of their learning and access their own customized information, resources, tools, and services.”  Social bookmarking is one of these great tools that can be utilized by both the teacher and student. 
Screencasting is something I myself use when I have trouble with using a new program or even tasks like helping my husband tie a bowtie.  After being introduced to making my own screen cast, I could easily use it as an educational tool also.  Every time I take my classes to the computer lab to work on a project, complete a gizmo, or go to interactive sites I would love to have a screencast made going through the directions on log in or how to use a new program.  Students could even be given the choice to create a screencast of a project or program that they could then show to the class.  The possibilities with this application are truly endless and can add so much to our everyday lessons.  “Web 2.0 technologies enhance current and support new, more open kinds of learning and learning activities in formal education” as an educator I try to incorporate many different learning styles into my lessons and these applications are helping us reach those learners.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week 13 Reflection

Week 13 Reflection

          This week’s reading focused on e-learning and instructional design.  “E-learning” is a term used often my many but holds many meanings.  They start the chapter by discussing how difficult it is to define a term like e-learning because of the constant changes and updates to technology.  When discussing this class with my colleagues many comment that they would never take an online class.  Being older, they fear their lack of technological skills would keep them from being successful in an online course.  I took my first online course last year through University of Phoenix and was very nervous about not being face to face with an instructor and classmates.  Once class started and I got the hang of maneuvering around the site and saw how easy it was to ask questions and converse with both the instructor and classmates I was at ease.  I think it is great to have the option of taking classes online and have really enjoyed both of my experiences so far. 

          “Instructional technics could include any combination of on-campus lectures, computer-based training modules, online seminars, reference websites, e-books, DVDs, threaded discussions, videoconferences, weblogs, simulations, performance support systems, and numerous other elements by which learning is accomplished.” (pg. 284) This section of the chapter discusses how as new technologies are invented they can be incorporated into teaching or used as a method of teaching.  I recently took a GT (gifted and talented) class where the instructor had us present our weekly reflections or assignments using a different method each time.  I was not only introduced to great sites like and but I was able to show my knowledge in a video, poem, or online poster rather than a boring paper.  I was then able to use these new ideas in my own classroom and offer choices to my students when completing an assignment.  As a teacher, I try to hit as many learning styles as possible and I think the variety of elements used in online learning do just that.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Free App Reviews

This week, I got the opportunity to check out a few free applications that can be used for both teaching and personal use.  In the office suite category I choose to look at Google Documents, I have heard others mention it and Google seems to know what they are doing so I figured why not.  Google Docs ended up being very user friendly, I didn't even have to google a how to video.  I could easily see myself using Google Docs to create presentations, spreadsheets, or word documents.  I found that being able to access your docs on any computer to be a plus; there have been multiple times where I have forgotten to save to my flash drive and gotten to school without my work.  I also thought this feature was genius since you can allow access to others who can go in and edit the document.  This could be used with co-workers or students who are working in groups to complete a project.

The image editor program I chose to review was Phixr.  This program was also user friendly.  I easily uploaded a photo from my computer and began to play.  Phixr offers a variety of ways to alter a photo whether you want to add text, frames, or change the colors.  When you have finished your photo, you have the option to save it, email it, or upload it to a variety of sites.  I was hoping to add it here but Blogger is not a choice, so I saved it and inserted the image.  I could not think of an educational use for this program with my students in science but plan on using this free program for personal use.  Both of these programs being free is great! 

 Here is Lloyd!